Loving Gwen Atkinson Vaughan
We would like to thank the following individuals for their insights regarding the legacy and impact of Gwen's life:
Dr. Phillip Vaughan (deceased)
Suzanne Myers Joey Cooley Joe Atkinson
Leslie Atkinson Don Weaver Dr. Bill Parsons
Ava Chiu Chris Emery Henry Jibaha
This site consist of four parts:
Slide show (includes Joey, Karen Michelle, Gwen, some members of the Groom family, H.B and Velma (Laylay) and "Mama" Nettie Pierce
Atkinson home movies (which includes Karen Michelle, Joey and their biological Father, Jimmy Cooley, Gwen, H.B. Velma and her Mother Nettie "Mama" Pierce, Bill Atkinson and a majority of the Atkinson family).
"My Cousin Gwen" by Suzanne Myers
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TSlide showitle. Double click me.
It is easy to spot H.B. He is the one with the cigar in his mouth! Gwen can be seen throughout the movie, first on the swingset with her black dress,white shirt, long dark hair. she is also seen at home with her mother Velma (Laylay) and her father H.B. Mama predicted a boating accident that put him in the hospital and his success in politics, saying "he will be a Senator." She predicted that WP Bill Atkinson would start a newspaper. Her predictions were accurate and uncanny: there were a number of predictions some of which have not come to fruition because the 4th-5th generation of Atkinsons and offspring have not reached the age at which these events are to occur The predictions are very specific and unambiguous and include Karen Michelle and her offspring, as well as Joey. wn text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This clip shows Karen Michelle's Grandfather H.B. and her father Jimmy playing with her at Christmas. Jimmy worked for H.B. at Mid-America Paint and Flooring in Atkinson Plaza. Nettie (Mama) Pierce made the following prediction to Gwen during the early 1950's:" He will fall twice-both times at home-the first time he will hurt the lower back and after a very long spell there will be a second time he will fall and hit his head and this will be the end." In 1958 Jimmy seriously injured his lower back playing on the small basketball court in the back yard of his Midwest City home. In 2002 he died from a fall, in which the head was struck, this time, in his Quail Creek home. Mama knew that Jimmy fought in WWII and observed: "He will never talk about how deep the pain was to anyone at anytime. He will watch movie pictures about it and drink at times, by himself. It will haunt him in the most terrible way until the very end."
I'mhFrame 6:06 you can see Nettie's husand helping her down the steps of her porch. Nettie, also known as "Mama" was Gwen's grandmother. She was also a highly gifted mystic. She told Gwen that "daughter will fall backwards off of a horse and will break one arm. a long time will pass and she will be in an accident on railroad tracks. She will forget everything for a long spell but will come back ok."
These predictions were made about 1955 and all came to pass as described. Joey said he would see Mama in a field of lilies with her hands clasped and eyes closed. When he tried to walk out there Rosy, Mama's hired hand, would stop him, pick him up in her arms and say: "Brad, don't disturb Mrs. Pierce when she is out there." One day Mama took Brad to the fence and told him she would teach him how to call birds. Brad saw Mama call birds to the fence by "thinking about it." At the time, as a small child, he thought is was fun magic. He tried to do it but failed. Mama told him to keep workin on it and to remember what he had seen. Discussions about Mama and her uncanny predictions and abilities with his mother on December 25th 2012 reinforced his belief about the significance of what he had seen in late 1950's. Gwen told Joey that Mama did not go into a trance or anything of the sort: she would just tell her these things in casual conversations on the porch swing when they were drinking ice tea and eating friend cornbread. Gwen had strong reservations and misgivings about these conversations but as years passed and these events began to unfold she could see their significance. Gwen told Joey that she would pass before Phil and explained Mama's prediction to him and told him he "would inherit" these abilities at a much older age.. Gwen did not discuss this with anyone else. Mama was a very humble, sweet and loving woman. Everyone loved her gentle ways. mGo a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.